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共9 条记录, 每页显示 10 条, 页签: [1]


hyy 发表于:2006-8-10 13:09:24
请问精油的调配一定要遵循中度 高度 低度的顺序吗?
lukabb 发表于:2006-8-10 14:44:12
温度?= =不太懂
zole 发表于:2006-8-16 15:30:21
小雪白白 发表于:2006-8-17 13:06:18
好高深哦 学习ING
zuowei_boa 发表于:2006-8-17 20:09:39
oddparadise 发表于:2006-8-18 17:19:07
roseapu 发表于:2006-8-22 21:33:50

Blending And Synergy

摘自 Yahoo!Club "AROMATHERAPY for everyone" 第12559篇文章


Synergy the aim of the Aromatherapist is to produce a synergistic
blend of oils. A synergistic blend is a blend using 2 or more oils,
which complement each other and work together to enhance the overall
effect. The synergistic effect is created when the chemistry of
oils combine to produce a therapeutic effect greater than the
effects that could be achieved by using the oils individually. The
result is a more powerful combination of oils that are specific to
the individual.

More than 4 oils may provoke an antagonistic effect between the oils
and the client will not receive maximum benefit from the therapeutic

Keeping records Always keep a meticulous record of how you make up
blends for future reference. Your notes should include ingredients
and proportions, the date you started and completed the preparation,
processing procedures, comments, improvements to be made next time.
Label finished products with the date the product was made,
ingredients and instructions for use.

Blending Personal experience will tell which oils blend well with
each other, also, listening to experienced practitioners.
oils (top) do not blend well together as they can over-power each
other; citrus oils blend well with floral oils; some oils are
overpowering and need to be masked within the blend.
Essential oils
blend harmoniously with oils from the same family, for example:
Clary sage, Lavender, Rosemary (Labitae); Bergamot, Lemon(Rutaceae).
Client preference Client preference is also important and blends
need to be tested before using by allowing the client to smell the
oils in combination before a preparation is made. The best way to
test an aroma is to hold the opened bottles together and swirl them
under the nose. This causes the molecules to combine to simulate
the proposed blend.

Strong fragrances need to be used sparingly but can also be used to
mask other oils within a blend.

When mixing a blend, bear in mind:

Purpose of the blend

Therapeutic properties of the oils

Compatibility of the oils

Balance (top, middle, base)


Client preference

A well-balanced blend should use the following proportions of top :
middle : base:
TOP 30%
MIDDLE 50-60% ( most therapeutic effect)
BASE 10-20%

Some oils have opposing qualities: for example, Lavender, which is
calming in small quantities, and stimulating in larger quantities.
Therefore it does not necessarily follow that greater the
concentration of oil, the greater the effect.

Oils should not be stored alongside homeopathic medicines as this
can affect their properties.

Oils that have been blended in carrier oil and kept cool and sealed
should last up to 3 months before deterioration. Adding 10%
wheatgerm oil to the carrier slows oxidation down and preserves the
blend for longer.

Warmest Regards


蓝舟 发表于:2006-8-22 22:52:51


roseapu 发表于:2006-8-24 12:49:13
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