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标题: [征集翻译] 一句话阐述13种单方精油的功用

raybit 发表于:2006-2-14 13:29:26

Essential oils can be used in two basic ways. The first is by rubbing the oil on the skin, the second is through inhalation of the scent. For a body massage, try 20-30 drops in a non-scented oil, such as vegetable or canola. For the bath, just add 5-10 drops to a steaming tub. For air diffusers, use 5 drops, or follow the manufacturer's advice. When purchasing essential oils, look for brands that come in dark brown glass bottles that have a dropper top, or droppers available.


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1. Basil (0cimum basilicum) - Inhaled: is a stimulant, helps sharpen senses, and helps ease headaches. On skin: a good skin toner. This does not need to be mixed with vegetable oil. Warning: Basil essential oil may irritate sensitive skin.
翻译:罗勒 (0cimum basilicum) :吸入: 是兴奋剂, 帮助补强神经(感觉、情绪、意识), 并且帮助舒缓头疼。 在皮肤: 一种很好的调理肌肤的精油[自我解释:主要是针对油性皮肤](调色剂)。 这不需要与植物油混合。 警告: 罗勒精油会刺激敏感皮肤。

2. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) - Inhaled: helps clear breathing passages. Use during a cold or flu. On skin: Use on burns or infected wounds. Warning: Eucalyptus essential oil is not recommended for people with high blood pressure.
翻译:尤加利 (Eucalyptus globulus):吸入帮助清除呼吸障碍,可用于流感或伤寒。用在皮肤上:用于烫伤或伤口感染。警告:高血压者禁用(不推荐高血压人群使用)。

3. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) - Inhaled: decreases appetite, aids digestion. On skin: a good toner, eases wrinkles. Warning: not recommended during pregnancy.
翻译:茴香 (Foeniculum vulgare):吸入可降低食欲,帮助消化。用于皮肤:是一种很好的调理肌肤的精油(调色剂),可预防皱纹产生。警告:怀孕期间禁用(不推荐孕者使用)。

4. Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) - Inhaled: clears lungs, stimulates the immune system. On skin: good for aging skin. Eases sores and inflammations.
翻译:乳香 (Boswellia carteri):吸入: 清肺, 有利于免疫系统。 用于皮肤: 最佳用途为改善老化皮肤。 有效治疗疣(疮)和炎症。

5. Geranium (Pelargonium gravolens) - Inhaled: reduces stress. On skin: A good cleanser, improves skin circulation. Warning: Do not use during pregnancy. May irritate sensitive skin.
翻译:天竺葵 (Pelargonium gravolens) :吸入: 缓解紧张情绪。 用在皮肤:具有良好的清洁功效(一种好清洁剂), 改进皮肤循环。 警告: 不要使用在怀孕期间。 刺激敏感皮肤。

6. Ginger (Zingiber offcinalis) - Inhaled: Eases digestion. Causes sweating during fevers. On skin: Helps ease bruises. Warning: May irritate sensitive skin. Mix with vegetable oil if this is the case.
翻译:姜 (Zingiber offcinalis):吸入: 缓和消化。 在外感风寒时促进发汗。 用在皮肤: 帮助愈合划破和擦伤。 警告: 刺激敏感皮肤,降低浓度使用或稀释为低浓度使用(需要与植物油混合后使用)。

7. Lavender (Lavendula officinalis) - Inhaled: relaxing. relieves headaches, lowers blood pressure. On skin: Aids in wound recovery, good for acne, burns and wounds. Warning: Not recommended for people with low blood pressure.
翻译:薰衣草 (Lavendula officinalis) :吸入: 放松。 解除头疼, 降低血压。 用在皮肤: 帮助伤口愈合, 最好是治疗粉刺, 烧伤和创伤。 警告: 低血压者慎用(没推荐低血压人群)。

8. Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli) - Inhaled: causes loss of appetite. Deodorizes. On skin: Good for aged cracked skin. Anti-inflammatory anti-fungal. Good for athlete's foot. Warning: in low doses, may act as a sedative. Acts as a stimulant at higher doses. Many find patchouli to be an unpleasant odor.
翻译:广藿香 (Pogostemon patchouli):吸入: (减小食量)导致胃口损失。 除臭。 在皮肤: 紧致老化肌肤(好用于年迈的破裂的皮肤)。 抗炎杀菌。 被广泛用于治疗足癣。 警告: 低剂量, 可以作为镇静剂。 大剂量则作为一种兴奋剂。 很多人讨厌广藿香的气味。

9. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) - Inhaled: good for easing stomach ailments. Ease headaches. On skin: Relives itching of sunburn. Use on greasy hair.
翻译:薄荷 (Mentha piperita) :吸入: 有效治疗胃病。 缓解头疼。 用在皮肤: 舒缓发痒、灼伤(晒斑)。 用途在含脂毛。最好用在油性头发。

10. Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis )- Inhaled: Good general tonic. Eases headaches. On skin: Good astringent. Use in shampoo to get rid of dandruff.
翻译:迷迭香 (Rosemarinus officinalis ):吸入:提振精神。缓解头疼。用在皮肤: 强效收敛。 滴在洗发香波里可摆脱头屑。

11. Sandalwood (Santalum album) - Inhaled: aids sleep, releases anxiety. (often used as an aphrodesiac) On skin: relieves itching and inflammation.
翻译:檀香 (Santalum album):吸入:帮助睡眠,缓解忧虑(括号里的内容为:常被用于激发性欲)。用于皮肤:止痒、消炎。

12. Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) - Inhaled: helps relieve sinusitus. On skin: anti-inflammatory. Use on burns, sores, warts, athlete's foot. Rub into scalp to relieve dandruff.
翻译:茶树 (Melaleuca alternifolia) :吸入可帮助解除鼻塞。用于皮肤:消炎抗菌。用途:烧伤、溃疡、疣(疮)、足癣。按摩头皮可清除头皮屑。

13. Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) - Inhaled: sedative. Good for high blood pressure and insomnia. On skin: Rub on scalp to stimulate hair growth. Sweet scent, use as perfume.

翻译:依兰 依兰(依兰、伊兰、伊兰 伊兰、香水树、香油树)吸入: 镇静(镇静剂)。 治疗高血压和失眠功效卓越。 用在皮肤: 按摩头皮可刺激头发成长。 气味香甜, 可作为香水用途。

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-15 15:16:00编辑过]
ninecat 发表于:2006-2-14 14:34:53
ninecat 发表于:2006-2-14 15:31:49
魔幻香薰 发表于:2006-2-14 20:15:46
魔幻香薰 发表于:2006-2-14 20:29:26
魔幻香薰 发表于:2006-2-14 20:40:37
魔幻香薰 发表于:2006-2-14 20:45:01
7、薰衣草:吸入: 放松。 解除头疼, 降低血压。 用在皮肤: 帮助伤口愈合, 最好是治疗粉刺, 烧伤和创伤。 警告: 低血压者慎用(没推荐低血压人群)。
魔幻香薰 发表于:2006-2-14 20:56:22

1、罗勒(紫苏、蓬蒿)吸入: 是兴奋剂, 帮助补强神经(感觉、情绪、意识), 并且帮助舒缓头疼。 在皮肤: 一种很好的调理肌肤的精油[自我解释:主要是针对油性皮肤](调色剂)。 这不需要与植物油混合。 警告: 罗勒精油会刺激敏感皮肤。

魔幻香薰 发表于:2006-2-14 21:00:06
魔幻香薰 发表于:2006-2-14 21:04:32
4、乳香:吸入: 清肺, 有利于免疫系统。 用于皮肤: 最佳用途为改善老化皮肤。 有效治疗疣(疮)和炎症。
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