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[转帖]在大规模传染病面前,世界很无力  发帖心情 Post By:2004-3-24 8:53:02 [只看该作者]

Experts: World past due for flu pandemic
在大规模传染病面前,世界很无力 ☆past due 过期
 pandemic 大范围的传染病 GENEVA, Switzerland -- Asia's bird flu could still spark a deadly human influenza pandemic and all countries need to step up readiness, health experts said at a conference this week.
瑞士,日内瓦--在本周的会议上,健康专家称:亚洲禽流感仍可能引起大规模致死性人流感暴发流行,每个国家对此都要提高应对能力。 ☆bird flu 禽流感
Vaccines and anti-virals would be in short supply in the early stages of any global flu pandemic, when measures from quarantines to travel warnings could save lives, they added.
他们还称,在全球性流感大流行的早期阶段,将出现疫苗和抗病毒药物供应短缺的情况。通过隔离检疫及旅游预警可以挽救许多生命。 ☆vaccines 疫苗
anti-viral 抗病毒
quarantine 检疫,隔离
Around 100 experts from 40 countries are attending a three-day meeting called by the World Health Organization to review global preparedness for a long-predicted flu pandemic.
世界卫生组织召开由来自40个国家的约100位医生参加的,为期三天的会议,旨在研究针对以后的流感大流行,采取全球性的预防措施。 ☆ preparedness 准备状态,预备状态
Bird flu, which spread across eight countries of Asia from late last year, has killed a total of 23 people in Vietnam and Thailand. Some 100 million poultry have died or been culled.
去年年底,席卷8个亚洲国家的禽流感,导致越南和泰国23人死亡。大约1亿只家禽病死以及被捕杀。 ☆ poultry 家禽
cull 捕杀
"If the virus acquired full capacity human to human transmission, we should expect a pandemic with huge morbidity and mortality," Hitoshi Oshitani, head of WHO's Western Pacific Regional Office, told the opening session.
世界卫生组织西太平洋区主席Hitoshi Oshitani在开幕式上说:“如果病毒获得人类相互传染的能力,可以预计,将发生伴有高致病率及高死亡率的大规模暴发流行。” ☆ morbidity 发病
mortality 死亡率
"In many countries there is no established surveillance system for animals and humans. Unfortunately, most developing countries still don't have national pandemic plans," he added.
他还说:“在许多国家,仍然没有建立针对动物和人的监测系统。甚而,在大多数的发展中国家,还没有应对大规模暴发流行病的全国性计划。” ☆ surveillance 监测 Useful expressions: spark 引起
spread across 席卷
step up readiness 提高应对能力


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