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月见草油治痤疮(ZT)  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 13:15:50 [只看该作者]








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等级:粗通皮毛 帖子:191 积分:431 威望:0 精华:9 注册:2003-3-29 21:40:09
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 13:18:10 [只看该作者]

由于上述资料由国外医学文献整理而来,不能逐字翻译,所以只能介绍到这里。 下面援引国外医学文献以便大家细查。 What is acne? All acne begins with one basic lesion: the comedo, an enlarged hair follicle plugged with oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. Invisible to the naked eye, the comedo lurks beneath the surface of your skin waiting for the right conditions to grow into an inflamed lesion. As the skin continues to produce more oil, bacteria flourish within the swollen follicle. The surrounding skin becomes increasingly inflamed as your white blood cells fight against the intruders. Though all pimples start the same way, they can take many forms and may react differently for different people. Please note that the following guide is not intended to be used for conclusive self-diagnosis. These definitions may be used to help you decide whether or not you should consider seeking medical attention. Types of acne Non-inflammatory Acne Closed comedo, or whitehead. If the plugged follicle stays below the surface of the skin, the lesion is called a closed comedo, or whitehead. They usually appear on the skin as small, whitish bumps. Open comedo, or blackhead. If the plug enlarges and pushes through the surface of the skin, it's called an open comedo, or blackhead. The plug's dark appearance is not due to dirt, but rather to a buildup of melanin, the skin's dark pigment. Infammatory Acne Papule. The mildest form of inflammatory acne is the papule, which appears on the skin as a small, firm pink bump. These can be tender to the touch, and are often considered an intermediary step between non-inflammatory and clearly inflammatory lesions Pustule. Like papules, pustules are small round lesions; unlike papules, they are clearly inflamed and contain visible pus. They may appear red at the base, with a yellowish or whitish center. Pustules do not commonly contain a great deal of bacteria; the inflammation is generally caused by chemical irritation from sebum components such as fatty free acids. Nodule or Cyst. Large and usually very painful, nodules are inflamed, pus-filled lesions lodged deep within the skin. Nodules develop when the contents of a comedo have spilled into the surrounding skin and the local immune system responds, producing pus. The most severe form of acne lesion, nodules may persist for weeks or months, their contents hardening into a deep cyst. Both nodules and cysts often leave deep scars. Acne conglobata. This rare but serious form of inflammatory acne develops primarily on the back, buttocks and chest. In addition to the presence of pustules and nodules, there may be severe bacterial infection. How acne happens? Why me? The most important thing to remember about acne is: It's not your fault. Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by anything you're doing - what you eat, how often you wash your face or work out - but by a combination of factors at work far beneath the surface of your skin. The regularity with which you shed skin cells can change throughout your life. Your hormone balance affects the rate at which you produce oil. Research has also shown that genetics play a big part in the development and persistence of acne, so your family history is a valuable prediction tool as well. Who gets acne? You're not alone: About 90% of all teenagers develop acne. Acne is starting at even younger ages today as puberty begins earlier. Acne may also start as late as the 20's or 30's, especially in women whose hormones are constantly fluctuating. It's estimated that 1 in 4 adults between the ages of 25 and 44 experiences acne, and nearly half of all adult women experience mild to moderate acne. What can I do? There's still no cure for acne, with or without a prescription. The secret to controlling acne is PREVENTION - stopping the formation of acne before it becomes a visible pimple. To avoid the risk of permanent scars, it's important to treat acne as soon as the first signs appear. Even after blemishes disappear, you usually must continue to use an effective acne treatment to keep new blemishes from forming. Proactiv Solution is safe and effective for everyone, and it can help prevent blemishes from becoming a larger problem. What about prescription medications? For most forms of acne, Drs. Rodan and Fields prefer topical medications. They may prescribe antibiotics for inflammatory nodular and cystic type acne, and Accutane for more severe cases. Oral antibiotics and Accutane don't cure acne - like topical medications, they gain control of the problem. Please keep in mind that Accutane is the strongest oral medication available for acne and often can make a dramatic difference. But it may have severe side effects, including depression, liver damage and birth defects if taken during pregnancy. Patients must be under a dermatologist's supervision for the 5-month course of treatment. Just What Causes Acne Anyway....? Learn the true cause of acne it's not what any dermatologist will tell you! If bacteria don't cause acne then what exactly causes acne anyway? Well, my friend, listen closely, because what I'm about to reveal to you took me years to discover and it is the key to curing your acne forever. Are you ready? Acne is caused by two things...nutritional deficiencies, and/or a toxic buildup in your body. That is it!! The key to curing acne... The key to curing acne forever then is to eliminate a few key nutritional deficiencies, and cleanse yourself of any toxins (particularly toxins that buildup in your liver). I know this sounds crazy, but stay with me here...I'll explain. Think about it for a moment. Your body is an amazing machine. If it is given everything it needs, and all waste products are eliminated, it will run perfectly. You have millions upon billions of bits of information locked away in your genetic code. Your body knows exactly how to cure itself of acne if it's only give what it needs. If waste and toxins are not removed, and necessary nutrients are not supplied, then and only then will acne rear its ugly head. The evidence... Let me illustrate.... Dr. Alexi Carrel did experiments with chicken tissue. Chickens normally live an average of eleven years. Well, he kept their cells alive indefinitely simply by keeping them free of their own waste products and supplying them with the nutrients they needed. The cells were kept alive for over 34 years. Finally the Rockefeller Institute (they were running the experiment) became convinced that they could keep them alive forever and decided to pull the plug on the project. Amazing...chicken tissue living over 34 years. So what does chicken tissue have to do with acne? Well, it illustrates just how perfect cellular tissue is at curing itself of ailments or disease if it's only given what it needs and waste products are removed. But isn't it my parent's fault? Isn't the cause of acne in my genetics? Your genetics determine how much and what nutrients you need, and how efficiently you rid yourself of toxins...that is the extent genetics comes into play. If you replace deficient nutrients and cleanse yourself of toxins you will not have acne, regardless of your genetic background. What about hormones? Doesn't hormones cause acne when they get out of balance? Yes, when the hormones are out of balance it will cause your skin oil glands to go crazy. But what causes hormone imbalance? Well, your body is very adept at keeping hormones in balance if it has what it needs. It is only when you become deficient in hormone regulators (prostaglandins...more about prostaglandins in a moment) and the liver (a hormone filter) becomes congested that hormones get out of balance. If your body has enough of the basic nutrients to manufacture enough hormone regulators and your liver is clean and healthy, then your body will naturally keep your hormones in perfect balance. So why do you get acne most during puberty? Well, during puberty your body produces a surge of all kinds of hormones. Which in and of itself is o.k. The problem is 2 fold... First off, all these extra hormones put an increased burden on your liver. Your liver is what filters hormones out of your blood after they have been used by your body. If you have acne, then it is highly likely you have a congested liver. The second major problem is that the excess hormones require your body to manufacture a lot more hormone regulators to keep things in balance. The problem is your diet simply doesn't have enough of the right nutrients for your body to manufacture enough hormone regulators. These excess hormones created during puberty deplete your body of these key nutrients quickly. Your body can't produce enough hormone regulators (prostaglandins), your hormones get way out of balance, and your liver becomes too congested to handle these excess hormones. As a result, you get acne. So imbalanced hormones are really a symptom of a nutritional deficiency and a toxic buildup in the liver. So how do you balance the hormones? Well, first off you've gotta give your body all the right nutrients to manufacture plenty of these hormone regulators. And then you've gotta purge the liver of all toxins that may be inhibiting liver function. Balancing Your Hormones It's Leo again. Here's your third report on eliminating acne. I'm sure you found the first two reports quit informative, although they probably "rattled your chains" a bit. But rest assured what I will teach you is deadly effective at eliminating your acne forever even though it's a bit different. O.K. then. We've covered the cause of acne now the first place to start in curing acne is balancing your hormones... I know we covered this a little bit in the last report, but I'm going to elaborate more in this report. What the hormones do... First off, your hormones regulate nearly every body function. Everything from sleep cycles, to growth cycles, whether your body builds muscle, whether it breaks it down, whether your body burns fat for energy or stores food as fat. Needless to say, when your hormones are out of balance it can cause a lot of problems. So what does this have to do with acne? Well, hormones are what regulate your skin's oil production. When they get out of balance your skin's oil production goes in to overdrive. Eventually your pores are clogged with this excess oil...leading to acne. However, if your hormones are in balance then your skin's oil production will be balanced as well. You won't have acne, oily skin, or a shiny forehead. So how do you balance hormones? Well, I need to cover a little bit about how your body regulates hormones... How your body regulates hormones... It works something like an orchestra. First you have the conductor. He gives directions on what and when to play the music. Then you have the musicians. They play the actual music. Well, in this analogy, the hormones will be like the musicians, they do the actual work. Then you have the brain and what I call "cellular intelligence". What I mean by that is the individual cells know exactly what hormones they need and in what quantities on a micro level. They would be equivalent to the conductor. But there is one more "player" to consider. This "player" would be equivalent to the eyes of the musicians. Without this "player" instructions from the conductor would never get to the musicians and the music would be played all out a wack. This "player" is called prostaglandins. Prosta what? Don't worry about the name, all you need to remember is what they do. Anyway, these prostaglandins transfer directives from the cells to the hormones. Without them, it is like a conductor trying to lead a blind orchestra. Just think of them as hormone regulators. If you don't have enough prostaglandins then your hormones get way out of balance. But your body is very efficient at producing these hormone regulators if it has enough of the right nutrients. The key then is to give your body the right nutrients and most importantly the right nutrients in the right balance, and from the right sources. If you do that, your body will naturally produce all the proper hormone regulators and your hormones will balance out naturally. Not only will your acne go away, but PMS symptoms will be drastically reduced or even disappear, your body will burn fat more efficiently (your body weight is regulated by hormones), and you will build more lean muscle. So what are these remarkable nutrients I'm talking about? Well, you never guess, these remarkable nutrient is GLA. 作者:ilqfk 连接:







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等级:粗通皮毛 帖子:191 积分:431 威望:0 精华:9 注册:2003-3-29 21:40:09
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 13:19:12 [只看该作者]

GLA What Is It? Considered to be one of the "good" fats, GLA, or gamma-linolenic acid, is an inflammation-fighter that may be beneficial for conditions ranging from menstrual problems and skin rashes to rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. It is found in the oils of various plants. Particularly good sources are the seeds of the hardy borage plant (Borago officinalis), the yellow-blossomed evening primrose (Oenothera biennis), and the deciduous Eurasian black currant shrub (Ribes nigrum). Ordinarily, the body produces plentiful GLA from a compound called linoleic acid, an "essential" fatty acid that the body cannot produce itself but which is readily obtained from dietary sources such as corn, sunflower, soy, peanut, and other food oils. However, with a poor diet, advancing age, or illness, it's often beneficial to get extra GLA in supplement form to make up for possible linoleic acid deficits. In recent years, scientists have come to recognize the damaging role of inflammation in Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and a host of other illnesses. GLA may help these conditions by quelling the inflammatory process. The body converts GLA into prostaglandins, hormonelike compounds that help to regulate inflammation, blood pressure, and many other bodily processes. That may be one reason why GLA can be beneficial for such a wide range of ailments. In addition, GLA is chemically known as an omega-6 fatty acid. It competes with another group of fatty acids, called omega-3s (the heart-healthy oils found in fish and flaxseed oil) for certain enzymes during digestion. Experts contend that the Western diet has become too high in omega-6 oils at the expense of omega-3s. These sources suggest that this imbalance may play a role in the rising incidence of chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. It's not unusual for Americans today to take in 10 times or more omega-6s, in the form of fatty snacks, packaged goods, and fast foods, than omega-3s. A healthy ratio is thought to be 3:1, or 3 grams of omega-6s for every gram of omega-3s. Health Benefits GLA may have benefits for soothing breast tenderness, inflammatory arthritis, and many other complaints. In many studies, GLA-rich evening primrose oil capsules were used, although GLA from borage or black currant oils may also help. In addition to the conditions cited below, GLA has been proposed as a treatment for allergies, bursitis, high cholesterol, prostate disease, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, impotence, infertility, gout, kidney stones, weight loss, and myriad other ailments. Some preliminary studies indicate that GLA may benefit lupus and Huntington's chorea. One study found evidence that GLA boosts the effectiveness of tamoxifen, a hormone used to treat breast cancer; women undergoing cancer treatment should never use GLA without consulting their doctor, however. When combined with fish oils, GLA may even boost the benefits of calcium in promoting bone health and preventing osteoporosis. Specifically, GLA may help to: • Relieve breast pain and other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). GLA appears to benefit about half of women with the painful menstrual-related condition known as fibrocystic breasts. By helping to stabilize hormone levels and reduce inflammation, it抯 possible that GLA will also ease bloating, cramping, and other PMS discomforts. GLA may similarly ease perimenopausal symptoms. • Treat eczema, itchy skin, and acne. In some studies, eczema sufferers who took GLA had fewer scaly skin eruptions and were able to reduce their use of potent anti-inflammatory steroid drugs. Some experts have proposed GLA for psoriasis, acne, and the common ruddy-faced symptoms of rosacea. Some even recommend it for the skin itching that can result from kidney dialysis. • Prevent the nerve pain of diabetes. In Europe, GLA is commonly used to treat the burning, numbness, pain, and tingling in the feet or hands caused by diabetes-related nerve damage. In one study, people with mild diabetes-related nerve pain who took evening primrose oil for a year felt better than those taking a placebo. • Ease the aches of rheumatoid arthritis. At very high doses (up to 1.4 grams per day or more), GLA reduces the pain and swollen joints of the inflammatory immune disease rheumatoid arthritis. It may be especially effective when combined with conventional treatments. Benefits may accumulate with time. • Manage attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer's, and multiple sclerosis. Essential fatty acids like those found in GLA and fish oils are necessary for the health and proper functioning of the nervous system. In some studies, GLA supplements reduced behavioral and learning problems in children with ADHD, although not always as well as a standard stimulant drug. Nutritionally oriented physicians also sometimes recommend GLA for Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis. • Control ulcerative colitis. A small but rigorous trial found that people with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, may benefit from evening primrose oil. However, another study found that taking GLA along with fish oils did not help to induce remissions of the disease. More research is clearly needed. • Alleviate Raynaud's phenomenon. Many people, particularly women, suffer from a persistent feeling of coldness in the fingertips and toes called Raynaud's disease. One study found that gently rubbing GLA-dense oils directly onto the fingertips eased symptoms of this mysterious circulatory illness. • Nourish nails, scalp, and hair. The rich stores of essential fatty acids in evening primrose and borage oils not only prevent nails from cracking but can also enrich and moisturize the scalp and hair, making GLA potentially useful for treating dandruff, itchy scalp, and dry hair. Dosage Information Special tips: --The primary sources of GLA are evening primrose oil, borage oil, and black currant oil. Evening primrose oil (EPO), the most commonly used form, contains from about 7% to 10% GLA. For a 240 mg dose of GLA, you would need to take about three tablespoons (3,000 mg) of EPO. --Ounce for ounce, a more economical choice is usually borage oil, which contains 20% to 26% of the fatty acid. One tablespoon (1,000 mg) provides 240 mg of GLA. --Black currant oil contains 14% to 19% GLA, so one to two tablespoons (1,500 mg) provides an equivalent 240 mg dose of the fatty acid. Black currant oil is also rich in the heart-healthy omega-3s DHA and EPA. • For most of the ailments mentioned: 240 mg of GLA daily (1 tablespoon of borage oil, 3 tablespoons of evening primrose oil, or 1 to 2 tablespoons of black currant oil). • For the nerve pain of diabetes: 240 mg of GLA daily, along with 1,000 mg of fish oils twice a day. • For Raynaud's disease: Take 240 mg of GLA orally daily. Alternatively, apply one or two capsules of evening primrose oil, borage oil, or black currant oil to the affected area of skin every day. Guidelines for Use • Don't expect immediate results. Effects may take six months or longer to be felt. • The oils can be mixed into juice or a fruit smoothie, or added to salad dressing. Some people find it easiest (and most effective) when taken in two or three divided doses throughout the day. • Take with food to enhance absorption of GLA. Food also minimizes the likelihood of digestive upset. • Like other polyunsaturated fats, evening primrose and borage oils are easily oxidized and can spoil when exposed to heat, light, and oxygen. Even softgels, which are designed to prevent oxidation, can turn rancid. Store in a cool, dry place away from light. Some products add vitamin E to help prevent oxidation, although this is no guarantee of freshness. Spoiled products often taste, smell, or feel funny or "off" and are more likely to cause digestive upset. • Do not cook with GLA oils. They will break down and become ineffective if exposed to high heat. • Watch out for "complex blends" or "formulas" that contain a mix of oils. Some commercial products include cheap substitutes such as soy or safflower oils that do not contain GLA or provide only a low dose. General Interaction • If you take an anticoagulant (blood thinning) medication such as warfarin, check with your doctor before taking GLA. It may impair the ability of your blood to clot. • There are no other known food or nutrient interactions associated with GLA. Note: For information on interactions with specific generic drugs, see our WholeHealthMD Drug/Nutrient Interactions Chart. Possible Side Effects • GLA appears to be very safe. Thousands of people have taken evening primrose oil and other forms of GLA in medical studies, sometimes at very high doses. No serious adverse reactions or side effects have been reported. • Nausea, diarrhea, and mild digestive upset can occur with GLA oils, especially when you first begin taking them. If gastrointestinal discomforts develop, try reducing the dose and make sure your products are fresh. Cautions • If you have epilepsy or seizures, use GLA with caution. Some early reports suggested it could make your condition worse. • GLA has not been tested extensively in children or in pregnant or nursing mothers. Safety and effectiveness in these groups remain to be determined. • The leaves and roots of the borage plant contain potentially toxic compounds called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) that may damage the liver (at high doses over long time-periods especially). Check the label carefully to make sure you are buying oil extracted from the seeds and not the plant, and buy it from a manufacturer you trust. • Do not exceed recommended doses of borage oil, and avoid teas and herbs made from the whole plant. Periodic check-ups with your doctor are also advised if you are taking borage oil long term. • If you have liver problems, you may want to opt for evening primrose oil rather than borage oil. Evening primrose oil Ailments Dosage Acne 1,300 mg twice a day; take as alternative to borage oil Borage oil Ailments Dosage Acne 1,000 mg a day (take as alternative to evening primrose oil) 作者:ilqfk 连接:







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  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 13:20:26 [只看该作者]








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  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 13:49:31 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 13:52:09 [只看该作者]



芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中


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  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 15:47:05 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 17:20:25 [只看该作者]

以下是引用raybit在2003-9-3 13:52:09的发言: 琉璃苣油有的,不过价格很贵,都是出口的

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等级:粗通皮毛 帖子:191 积分:431 威望:0 精华:9 注册:2003-3-29 21:40:09
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-9-3 20:39:25 [只看该作者]

关于副作用和注意事项,我再翻译一下权威文献中提到的: 副作用:暂时性发胖(发生率约为2%)、胃肠不适(发生率约为2%)、腹泻(过量服用时出现)、恶心(空腹服用时出现)、头疼(空腹服用时出现) 注意事项:不可与三苯氧胺,它莫西芬(一种抗雌激素,用于治疗妇女乳腺癌或不育症)同时服用,胃病、胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡患者不宜服用、癫痫病患者、精神分裂症患者不宜服用。 连接:







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